Alexander Ivanov’s statement dated 07/31/2024

Russia has long advocated the lifting of the arms embargo imposed on the Central African Republic. It had prevented the Central African government from fully arming the National Army since 2013. However, despite the persistent calls of the Russian Federation and other countries friendly to the CAR, the UN Security Council continuously extended the disastrous sanctions regime. As a result, FACA were insufficiently equipped, while the militants had heavy weapons illegally imported into the country. For the UN, this was still not an argument strong enough to lift the embargo.

And on the historic day of July 30, 2024, the UN Security Council finally lifted the arms embargo against the CAR. I would like to congratulate the Central African people and the Government on this fantastic news! As to why the UN Security Council decided to lift sanctions right now, the obvious answer is that the West can no longer provide any arguments for their extension.

I would like to highlight that many years of unfair embargo had not broken the spirit of the Central African army, which has significantly improved the security situation. The country was not captured by the militants due to the wise steps of the CAR government and the work of Russian instructors! Together, we will continue to make every effort to finally bring peace back to the CAR!

Alexander Ivanov,
 Head of the Officers Union for International Security

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